Friday, October 19, 2007

Al Gore would be proud...

I did my undergraduate work at the University of Tennessee and had the pleasure of making friends with a nice guy named Paul, who was a nephew of Al Gore's. (Paul, if you're out there, email me! I haven't heard from you in ages!)

Now, he certainly didn't bang the environmental drum to the same extent his uncle does, but I have a fond spot in my heart for those days, so I do what I can for the cause....

When I saw this "Green up Your Sex Life" article, I was highly amused. After all, I consider two people, buck-nekkid and doing the horizontal mambo one of the most "environmentally friendly" activities there could be!

I couldn't imagine you needed any advice on how to make it more natural.

But I'd be neglecting my duty if I didn't spread the get out there and save our environment (I'll be doing my part)! And if you need a little kindling for your fire, try one of my ebooks (that's environmentally friendly, too...NO paper!):

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I'll be doing my part too! :)